
Jacqx Melilli, author, editor, writing mentor, and playwright, has a Master of Arts degree in Writing and Literature. Her latest publication, When The Glitter Fades, is an Australian historical novel about love and revenge set around vaudeville and circus performers touring Victoria during the Great Depression. Jacqx Enterprises was founded in 2002 as Jacq of all Trades, Master of Writing, and has since evolved from offering writing and editing services for corporate clients to assisting people to write their memoirs. Jacqx's journey of creativity fulfilled her dream to work in film, television and theatre. This chain of events led her to produce and direct multiple short films, teach drama, and write film scripts and stage plays. Sequentially, her plays were published along with four educational books on filmmaking and theatre production. Jacqx's interest in true stories prompted her to run workshops to assist people to write their memoirs, the most popular being How to Write and Sell Your Memoir Even if You're Not Famous. Check out the events page for more information.

Who Are You? A Guide to Writing Your Memoir

Who are you? Who do people think you are? What legacy do you want to leave behind? These are questions worthy to be asked for you to leave a footprint of your existence on this earth. Your life matters, whether you realise it or not. There are many people who are curious to know more about you. Whether it’s your family, friends or strangers. You have stories, skills and knowledge stored within you that are valuable. Isn’t it time you passed them on?

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Rainbows Through Cobwebs by Lyn Traill

Rainbows Through Cobwebs

Rainbows Through Cobwebs covers the topic of grief in its many forms. From grieving over the death of a loved one, including pets, to grieving over the loss of your identity or dreams, Rainbows Through Cobwebs has case studies with toolbox tips on how you can overcome grief. Lyn Traill has incorporated how to find your fabulous again

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escaping genocide

Escaping Genocide

There’s hell on earth…where atrocities are committed everyday, where life has no value, where mercy and compassion do not exist; where fear reigns and survival depends on the dialect you speak; the ethnic group you belong to. Helena reveals the trauma of escaping genocide.

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Joy Film Review by Jacqx

JOY Film Review

Joy is a film based on Joy Mangano, inventor of the self-wringing mop. It’s a story about family rivalry & control; making mistakes; learning about business; perseverance and sheer determination to not give up on something you believe in.

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Christian - Trapeze Lesson

A Trapeze Lesson

The Awesome Side of Research Research sounds pretty boring, right? It may conjure up an image of someone with their nose to the books, or computer screen, slight frown creasing their forehead as they try to make sense of the bombardment of information they are suppose to screen, dissect, reword, rephrase, verify, and somehow mould

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