Why should we bother dreaming big dreams? It seems the older we get the less we dream. Has life beaten us down to the point that we think that dreaming is a waste of time? To me dreaming is a symbol of hope and faith. Dreaming is a vision of the future that keeps us going. It gives us a reason to get up in the morning and plan our day. It’s the spark plug of our soul that puts the twinkle in our eye. The sheer pleasure of dreaming is therapeutic.
Movie makers are dreamers and those who love to watch movies are dreamers. Movies take us away from reality in a much safer way than escaping reality through drugs or alcohol. We all need to escape sometimes when life gets too stressful and dreaming is such a wonderful way to go. Even when you dream the wildest dreams that you know will never eventuate, the mere pleasure of it is enough to put a smile on your face for days, weeks or months if you continue to write the dream out in your mind like you’re writing a book.

Dreams however do come true. When you have planted a dream in your mind and water it and nurture it, it will eventually grow. You need to keep the weeds from choking it, you need to work hard on fertilising it so it grows stronger and most importantly when storms try to rip it from its roots, you need to press down hard on the soil surrounding it and protect it from being destroyed. No matter what damage has been done to it, it can be restored and come to fruition. Dream big dreams … they are so worth the effort.
Whatever you train your mind to believe with persistence, it will eventually come to fruition. Hence, the saying; ‘Be careful what you wish for!’
What are your dreams? Which dreams have you dreamed that have come true?