Lost Child is a powerful play about drug addiction. Jade and Lexie are lured into a world of drugs and prostitution when they meet the undesirable Tarik. Jade’s younger sister, Skye is caught in the middle, bailing Jade out when things get tough.
Cast of eight – 6 females/2 males or 4 females/2 males with voice overs.
Two acts: Approximately 40 minutes
Purchase includes permission to make 10 copies for performance purposes.
Natalia –
Lost child is a very brilliant and well-researched play which leaves the reader/audience in a very vulnerable state where you face the dark reality of on going drug abuse in our society.
Without giving away much of this well thought out and detailed play you get to feel as though you are in the moment with the characters facing their demons to try and tackle the harsh cold world of drug using and self destruction.
The main character, Jade, a girl in her late teens struggling to come to terms over her fathers death. She feels the only way to connect with her father is when she is high on dangerous drugs. Her friend Lexie also a user is stuck in the rut with her and vulnerable to their dealer Tarik who mentally manipulates and life threatens them to make sure they never leave his poisonous web.
Jade’s younger sister Skye, the most loyal of them all is determined to make sure her sister is always safe and out of harm yet she struggles as Jade is in so deep.
Is Skye’s support and compassion enough to turn Jade’s life around?
Find out by reading one of the most real and honest plays I have every come across.