Jacqx’s articles include the writing journey of her debut novel, When The Glitter Fades; her short stories, stage plays and book and film reviews based on true stories.

One-Act Play Theatre Festivals

One-Act Play Theatre Festivals Participating in One-Act Play Theatre Festivals was the inspiration I needed to write my own plays for my drama students. Some of my fondest memories come

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Christian's cool - Christian & Dillion Skydiving Coffs

Skydiving Bucket List Dare

Revenge. Whether it be on misbehaving teens, a mother or father-in-law, or your comatose partner, skydiving is the perfect way to get someone back for causing you grief… just throw

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The Boy Who Wouldn't Die

The Boy Who Wouldn’t Die

David Nyuol Vincent was the boy who wouldn’t die. His story of fleeing war-torn Southern Sudan with his father is captivating. It is written in a matter-of-fact way, void of

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Sizzling at Seventy by Lyn Traill

Sizzling at Seventy

Lyn Traill has courageously spoken out about her severe abuse as a child at the hands of the people she was supposed to trust to love and protect her. As

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A Dream of Courage

I had a dream last night that I was standing high above the ground on one of those tree-top obstacle courses where you have to make your way across from one place

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Dream Big Dreams

Why should we bother dreaming big dreams? It seems the older we get the less we dream. Has life beaten us down to the point that we think that dreaming

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